Kidney Community Profiles
Each person with kidney-related health issues has a unique story to tell. At NWKC, it’s our job to make sure decision-makers hear these stories. Across the Pacific Northwest, members of the kidney community are bravely sharing their experiences to better inform policy conversations and spread awareness about kidney-related health issues.
Caregiver Profiles
From nurses to social workers to administrators, caregiver's are the cornerstone of the kidney community, whether treatment is delivered in the comfort of one's home or within a clinic setting. These dedicated professionals play an indispensable role, offering life-saving care and unwavering support to those in need. Here are just a few of their inspiring stories.
We can’t do this work alone. NW Kidney Council is grateful to have so many partners throughout the Pacific Northwest aligned with our mission to advance kidney care. Interested in becoming a partner?
Become a Partner
At the NW Kidney Council, we believe access to high-quality care has never been more important. Smart policy and programs that increase access to preventative medicine and services, educational programming and high-quality care help improve patient outcomes and decrease costs.
We streamline the advocacy process by sharing information, providing partners with opportunities to participate, raising awareness through earned media and uplifting the patient advocacy community to be thought leaders.
If this sounds like a cause you can get behind, we are eager to partner with your organization.
A unified voice on these issues is critical because it shows solidarity, strength and elevates our voices and the communities we represent. To become a partner, simply complete the following form and a member of our team will contact you shortly about next steps.